Thursday, 28 June 2018

Branches of Science

BranchConcerning Field
AcousticsDeals with the study of sound.
AeronauticsDeals with the study or practice of constructing and flying aircraft.
AnatomyDeals with the study of the internal parts of the living organism.
AstronomyDeals with the study of heavenly bodies such as Sun, Moon, Star, Planets, etc.
BiologyDeals with the study of living things.
BotanyDeals with the study of plants.
ChemistryDeals with the study of compositions of substance and laws of their combinations, etc.
CosmologyDeals with the study of the universe- its origin, nature, structure, evolution and development.
EcologyDeals with the study of the relationship between the living organism and their environment
EntomologyDeals with the study of insects
GeneticsDeals with the study of the way in which different characteristics are passed from one generation of living organisms to the next
GeologyDeals with Study of the Earth­–­ its Origin, Structure, Compositions, etc.
HydrologyDeals with Study of the occurrence and distribution of water– Underground, in oceans and in the atmosphere.
MeteorologyDeals with Study of the earth’s atmosphere and it’s changes, used especially for forecasting weather.
MorphologyDeals with Study of the form and external structure of living organisms
OpticsDeals with Study of light.
OrnithologyDeals with Study of birds.
PharmacologyDeals with Study of medicines and their uses.
PhysicsDeals with Study of matter, forces and energy, e.g. heat, light, sound, gravity, etc.
PsychiatryDeals with Study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders.
PsychologyDeals with Study of the mind and behaviour of humans and animals.
SeismologyDeals with Study of earthquakes.
ZoologyDeals with Study of animals.

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