Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, Jaipur has recently released the recruitment notification for Lab Assistant. In this article we are providing Exam pattern & syllabus for exam. Eligible candidates can apply upto 13th of july 2018.
Closure of registration of application: 13th July 2018
Tentative Date Of Examination: July/August 2018
Tentative Date Of Examination: July/August 2018
Rajasthan Recruitment 2018: Lab Assistant Exam Pattern
Subjects | Marks | Duration | |
General Knowledge (History,Art,Sanskriti,Literature,Tradition,Heritage and Geography of Rajasthan)
3 hours
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पाठयक्रम Syllabus
भाग-अ :- सामान्य ज्ञान
राजस्थान का इतिहास, कला एवं संस्कृति, साहित्य, परम्पराएँ एवं विरासत
- राजरथान के इतिहास के प्रमुख स्रोत
- राजस्थान की प्रमुख प्रागैतिहासिक सभ्यतायें
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख राजवंश एवं उनकी उपलधियां
- मुगल-राजपूत संबंध
- स्थापत्य कला की प्रमुख विशेषताएँ
- महत्वपूर्ण किले, स्मारक एवं संरचनाये
- राजस्थान के धार्मिक आंदोलन एवं लोक देवी-विशेषताऐं
- राजस्थान की प्रमुख चित्रकला, शैलियां एवं हस्तशिल्प
- राजरथानी भाषा एवं साहित्य की प्रमुख कृतियां, क्षेत्रीय बोलियां
- मेले, त्यौहार, लोक संगीत, लोक नृत्य, वाद्ययंत्र एवं आभूषण
- राजस्थानी संस्कृति, परंपरा एवं विरासत
- महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक पर्यटन स्थल
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व
- राजस्थान की रियासतें एवं ब्रिटिश संधियां, 1857 का जन-आंदोलन
- कषक एंव जनजाति आंदोलन, प्रजामंडल आंदोलन
- राजस्थान का एकीकरण
- राजस्थान का राजनीतिक जनजागरण एंव विकार–महिलाओं के विशेष संदर्भ में
राजस्थान का भूगोल
- स्थिति एवं विस्तार
- मुख्य भौतिक विभाग :- मरूस्थलीय प्रदेश, अरावली पर्वतीय प्रदेश, मैदानी प्रदेश, पठारी प्रदेश
- अपवाह तन्त्र
- जलवायु
- मृदा
- प्राकृतिक वनस्पति
- वन एवं वन्य जीव संरक्षण
- पर्यावरणीय एवं पारिस्थितिकीय मुददे
- मरूस्थलीकरण
- कृषि-जलवायु प्रदेश एवं प्रमुख फसलें
- पशुधन
- बहुउद्देशीय परियोजनाएं
- सिंचाई परियोजनाएँ
- जल संरक्षण
- परिवहन
- खनिज सम्पदाऐं
Biology [Part-A]
- General characters of :Algae. Fungi. Lichens. Bryophyta. Pterido-phyta, Gymnosperms. and Angiosperms.
- Morphology of Angiosperms: - Structure and Modification of Root. Stem and Leaf. Structure of flower and seed
- Plant Anatomy: Tissue and Tissue System Secondary growth
- Plant Physiology: Osmosis, Water Absorption Ascent of sap, Transpiration, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Plant growth and movement
- Environmental Studies: Structure and type of Ecosystem, Energy flow, Biogeo- Chemical Cycle,
- Ecological Adaptations, Environmental Pollution, Population Ecology, Biodiversity.
- Biotechnology: General Account, Recombinant m~A technology, Transgenic Plants and Animal,
- Ethical Issues, Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Medical field Economic Importance of Plants
- Cell: Structure (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic) cell theory and cell Division
Biology [Part-B]
- Genetics. Mendel's law, General Terminology, Structure of DNA and RNA, Molicular basic of Heredity Structure of chromosome, sex determination and genetic disorders in man.
- Classification of Animal Kingdom: up to Phyla in Non chordates and up to class in chordates.
- Digestion, Respiration ar':l Excretion in human. Protein, arbohydrate, Fat. Vitamin and digestive enzyme, Exchange of gases, Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration, Kreb cycle, Glycolysis CJtOry substance. Structure and Physiology of Kidney
- Circulatory and Endocrine System of Human: Structure of Heart, Composition of blood, blood groups, Blood clotting, Lymph glands, Antigen and Antibodies. Endocrine glands and their
- hormones.
- Nervous System of Human: Structure of Brain, Eye and Ear, Structure of Neuron, nerve impulse.
- Muscular System: Type of Muslcles and Muscle contraction
- Reproductory System in Human and Human Diseses Structure and Reproductive health.
- Disease in man caused by Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa, Fungi and Helminths
- Biological Evolution, Economic Importance of Animals
- Dynamics of Rigid Body: Torque, Conservation of angular momentum, moment of inertia of simple geometrical objects,
- Thermodynamics: First & Second law of thermodynamics, heat engines and refrigerators.
- Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion & its example. resonance
- Waves: Principle of super -position of waves, Doppler effect.
- Electrostatics: Coulomb's law, electric field Gauss's theorem & its applications.
- Electric Current: Kirchhoff's law, Wheatstone-bridge, meter-bridge, potentiometer.
- Optics: microscope & telescope, interference, diffraction & polarisation, polarimeter.
- Atom: Bohr's model ofH- atom.
- Nuclei: Mass defect, nuclear binding energy, nuclear fission & fusion.
- Semi-conductor Electronics: pn junction, transistor, logic gates, diode as a rectifier, zener diode.
Periodic Table & Atomic Properties
Fundamental particles of an atom (electron, proton, neuron)
- Rutherford's nuclear model
- Quantum Nos.
- Pauli's exclusion principle
- Aufbau principle
- Types of orbital ( s, p, d, f), shape of orbital
- Hund's rule
- Modern periodic table
- Variation in atomic properties (Size, lonisation potential, Electron affinity, Electronegativity)
s- Block & p-Block Elements
- General introduction
- Electronic configuration
- Occurrence
- Oxidation stares
- Trends in Physical & Chemical properties
- Inert pair effect
Chemical Equilibrium
- Factors affecting Equilibrium
- Reversible and Irreversible reactions
- Laws of chemical Equilibrium
- Le Chatelier's principle
Ionic Equillibrium
- Acid base equillibrium
- pH Value
- Common ion effect
- Buffer solutions
- Acid Base titration
Gaseous State
- Properties
- Boyle's Law
- Charles Law
- Avogadro's Law
- Dalton's Law
- Ideal gas equation
- Graham's law of diffusion
- Kinetic theory of gases
liquid State
- Properties of liquids
- Vapour pressure
- Surface tension
- Viscosity
Solid State
- Properties of solids
- Classification of solids
- Unit cells & their types
- Packing of crystals
- Structure of simple ionic compounds
- Defects in crystals (Frenkel, Schottky)
- Solute, Solvent, Solution
- Concentration of solutions (Molarity, Normality, Formality, Molality, Mole fraction, Weight percent)
- Types of solutions (Gas solutions, Liquid solutions, Solid solutions)
- Raoult's Law
- Ideal & Non- ideal solutions
- Colligative properties of solutions
Nomenclature & General Properties of Organic Compounds
- Rules of IUPAC nomenclature
- Types of reactions (Substitution, Addition, Elimination)
- Elec.trophiies, Nucleophiles
- Inductive effect, Electromeric effect
- Resonance, Hyperconjugation, Steric effect
- Isomerism (structural & Stereo)
- Definition & types of hydrocarbons (Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne, Arene)
- Preparation of hydrocarbons
- Physical properties
- Chemical properties
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