Many features of Indian Constitution are borrowed from various sources around the world. Today I am sharing the list of provisions borrowed from constitutions all around the world.
Country | Provisions Borrowed |
Government of India Act, 1935 |
- Federal scheme
- Power to declare of emergency
- Defining the power of the president and Government
- Defining the powers of the Governor
- Defining the powers of federal judiciary
- Defining the power of centre and state level administration
United Kingdom |
- Parliamentary working
- Prime minister (Elections)
- Council of minister (Elections and working)
- Citizenship
- Defining the powers CAG
- Writ jurisdiction of courts
- Written constitution
- Fundamental rights
- Supreme Court
- Vice president as chairman of Rajya sabha
- Judicial review, Independence of judiciary
Australia |
- Centre state relationship
- Concurrent list
- Cooperative federalism
- Joint sitting of two houses of parliament
- Fundamental duties (11 duties)
Weimer Constitution of Germany |
- Suspension of Fundamental rights during emergency
- Ballot system
Canada |
- Federal system
- Appointment of Governor
- Advisory jurisdiction of S.C
South Africa |
- Procedure of constitutional amendment
- Electing member of Rajya Sabha
Ireland |
- Concept of directive Principles of State Policy
- Nomination of members to Rajya sabha by the President
- Presidential election.
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