Thursday, 30 June 2016

English Words

1. Alliteration
Meaning: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
Sentence: "the alliteration of ‘sweet birds sang’"

Meaning: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Synonym: reduce, ease, relieve
Antonym: aggravate
Sentence: "he couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it"

3. Alchemy
Meaning: the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in 
particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir
Synonym: chemistry
Sentence:"occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology"

4. Alacrity
Meaning: brisk and cheerful readiness
Synonym: eagerness, willingness, readiness
Sentence: "she accepted the invitation with alacrity"

5. Agnostic
Meaning: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God
Synonym: sceptic, doubter,
Sentence: After my husband became agnostic, he stopped going to church because of his doubt about god's existence 

Meaning: able to move quickly and easily.
Synonym: acrobatic, dexterous, deft,
Antonym: clumsy, stiff, slow, dull
Sentence: "Ruth was as agile as a monkey"

Meaning: filled with horror or shock.
Synonym: horrified, appalled, astounded, amazed, dismayed,
Antonym:  fearless, unafraid
Sentence: "she winced, aghast at his cruelty"
Sentence: "separating authentic and spurious claims"

8. Sporadic
Meaning: occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated
Synonym: occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodical
Antonym: frequent, regular, steady, continuous
Sentence: "sporadic fighting broke out"

9. Soporific
Meaning: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep., a drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.
Synonym: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative,  narcotic, opiate;
Antonym: invigorating,  stimulant
Sentence: "the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect"

Meaning: ostentatiously costly and luxurious.
Synonym: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial
Antonym: penniless, poor, impoverished, penurious
Sentence: "the opulent comfort of a limousine"

1. Sobriquet
Meaning: a person's nickname.
Synonym: alias, byname, cognomen, epithet
Sentence: "she was a vast and haughty person who answered to the sobriquet ‘Duchesse’"

Meaning: underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
Synonym: trickery, swindling, fraudulence
Sentence: "a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery"

3. Sinister
Meaning: giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.
Synonym: menacing, threatening, ominous
Antonym: auspicious, benign, bright, encouraging, favorable
Sentence: "there was something sinister about that murmuring voice"

4. Ambidextrous
Meaning: able to use the right and left hands equally well.
Synonym: two-handed, equipoised
Antonym: right-handed
Sentence: "few of us are naturally ambidextrous"

Meaning: the action, process, or result of combining or uniting.
Synonym: combination, union, merger, blend, mixture
Sentence: "the threat of amalgamation with another college"

Meaning: the action or process of altering or being altered.
Synonym: change, adjustment, adaptation, modification,
Sentence: "careful alteration of old buildings"

7. Aloof
Meaning: not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
Synonym: distant, detached, unresponsive, remote,
Antonym: familiar, friendly
Sentence: "they were courteous but faintly aloof

8. Aloft
Meaning: up in or into the air; overhead.
Synonym: into the sky, skyward, on high, heavenward
Sentence:"the congregation sways, hands aloft"

9. Allure
Meaning: the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
Synonym: attraction, lure, draw, pull, appeal, glamour
Sentence: people for whom gold holds no allure"

Meaning: involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt., dirty or squalid.
Synonym: sleazy, seedy, seamy, unsavoury,
Antonym: immaculate, high-minded, respectable
Sentence: "the story

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