Friday, 22 April 2016

Marketing Quiz 2

Q.1. Planed cost service means-
(1) costly products
(2) extra profit on the same cost
(3) extra work by seler
(4) al of these
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

Q.2. Sale forecast implies-
(1) an estimate of the maximum posible sales oportunites present in a particular market segment.
(2) an estimate of sales, in physical units, in a future period
(3) Estimating the number of sales person required to sel a product.
(4) Both 1 and 2
(5) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: 4

Q.3. A theory states that no mater how eficiently gods/service are produced, if they canot be delivered
to the customer in the quickest posible time it is vain-this theory is caled-
(1) Quickest he best
(2) Instant service
(3) Service on time
(4) Timely efort
(5) Mater theory
Ans: 2

Q.4. The abreviation ISP stands for-
(1) International Spy Project
(2) Indian Social Planing
(3) Inital Service Provider
(4) Internet Service Provider
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.5. Which of the folowing statement is true-
(1) Marketing makes the company to go into los due to higher expense
(2) Marketing is not required in profit making companies
(3) Marketing sharpens the mind of the employes
(4) Marketing is wastage of time.
(5) Al of these
Ans: 3

Q.6. Gods that are typicaly bought by consumer based on a comparison of suitabilty, quality price and
style are caled------ gods-
(1) Industrial
(2) Specialty
(3) Shoping
(4) Convenience
(5) None of these
Ans: 3

Q.7. ___ is a person's distinguishing psychological characteristics that-lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses his or her own environment-
(1) Psychographics
(2) Personality
(3) Demographics
(4) lifestyle
(5) Al of these
Ans: 2

Q.8. If your company were to make a product-such as suit of clothes and sel that product your company
wil come under which sector ?
(1) Retailer
(2) Busines
(3) Government
(4) Service
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

Q.9. The level of commitment hat consumers fel towards a given brand is caled-
(1) Brand equity
(2) Brand Name
(3) Brand loyalty
(4) None of these
(5) Al of these
Ans: 3

Q.10. Relationship seling means-
(1) Preparing a list of relatives
(2) Cros seling
(3) Seling to relatives
(4) Seling to strangers
(5) Telemarketing
Ans: 2

Q.11. Modern method of marketing include-
(1) Publicity on the net
(2) Advertisement on the net
(3) Solicitng busines through e-mails
(4) Both 1 and 2
(5) Al of the above
Ans: 5

Q.12. The folowing does not represent a market situation-
(1) A bank run dispensary located in its, staf quarters.
(2) A fund raising charity show for the members of an NGO
(3) A meditation camp of a religious organization concluded for its members.
(4) A stal distributing Kada Prasad in a Gurudwara
(5) Al of these
Ans: 4

Q.13. With-- pricing, the products are priced below list price (or even cost) for a temporary period to create buying urgency-
(1) Reference
(2) By-product
(3) Promotional
(4) Market penetration
(5) Al of these
Ans: 3

Q.14. If a company (considering its options on the product/market expansion grid) choses to move diferent unrelated fields (from what it has ever done before) with new products as a means to stimulate growth, the company would be folowing which of the folowing general strategies.
(1) Market-Penetration
(2) Market development
(3) Product development
(4) Diversification
(5) Al of these
Ans: 4

Q.15. Which of the folowing expreses Maslow's Motivation theory best--
(1) Importance of Motivation for customer development
(2) Why people are driven by particular ned at particular times.
(3) Where human neds are aranged in a hierarchy.
(4) Al of the above
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.16. Information systems can asist manager by -
(1) Providing information
(2) Providing data on internal sources
(3) Directing
(4) Al of the above
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.17. Digital Bank can be resorted through -
(1) Mobile phones
(2) Internal
(3) Telephones
(4) Al of these
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.18. Marketing is – Find the wrong option -
(1) an ancient concept
(2) a modern concept
(3) a continuous afair
(4) a team efort
(5) None of these
Ans: 1

Q.19. Labeling is important for thre reasons- promotional and legal reasons. What is the third reason?
(1) Marketing
(2) Branding
(3) Strategic
(4) Informational
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.20. "Pure Banking Nothing Else" - Advertisement itle belongs to which Bank ?
(1) Alahabad Bank
(2) State Bank of India
(3) Canara Bank
(4) Union
(5) Indian Overseas Bank
Ans: 2

Q.21. What is M-marketing?
(1) Mobile Marketing
(2) Management Marketing
(3) Model Marketing
(4) Modern Marketing
(5) Mind Marketing
Ans: 1

Q.22. What is meant by the term ‘Brand insistence?
(1) A buyer wil buy the brand but has an open mind to try another brand.
(2) A buyer insists on purchasing one brand only and wil not acept a substiute.
(3) A buyer has no knowledge of the existence of brand.
(4) A buyer favors the purchase of the brand
(5) A buyer has a strong atachment o the brand and wil not acept a substiute if brand is available.
Ans: 2

Q.23. Today’s marketers ned …..
(1) Neither creativity nor critcal thinking skils
(2) Both creativity and critcal thinking skils
(3) Critcal thinking skils but not creativity
(4) Creativity but not critcal thinking skils
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

Q.24. In banks loans and advances are considered as-
(1) Asets
(2) liabilties
(3) Resources
(4) cause of expenditure
(5) None of these
Ans: 1

Q.25. In aditon to product , price, promotion, the augmented marketing mix for services include al of
the folowing EXCEPT;
(1) People
(2) Packaging
(3) Proces
(4) Physical evidence
(5) Both 1 and 2
Ans: 2

Q.26. In market skimming pricing strategy---
(1) Initaly price is lower than it is reduced
(2) Initaly price is higher than it is reduced
(3) Inital price is high and is maintained high
(4) None of these
(5) Al of these
Ans: 2

Q.27. Al of the folowing are thought o be sources of new product ideas Except-
(1) Internal Sources
(2) Customers
(3) Competiors
(4) Local ibrary
(5) Al of these
Ans: 3

Q.28. Consumer Information source-
(1) Personal source and commercial source
(2) Public source
(3) experiential source
(4) al of the above
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.29. Asigning specific Jobs and work places to the selected candidates is known as-
(1) Placement
(2) Recruitment
(3) Transfer
(4) Promotion
(5) Al of these
Ans: 1

Q.30. When a firm sels of part of its busines to another it is caled-
(1) Diversification
(2) Divestment
(3) Pruning
(4) Strategy
(5) Joint venture
Ans: 2

Q.31. Bank Marketing is treated as -
(1) Transaction marketing
(2) Service marketing
(3) Indor marketing
(4) al of these
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

Q.32. A carton of orange juice has no brand name and on the package only the name of the product ‘Orange Juice’ is writen. This is an example of -
(1) a manufacturer’s brand
(2) an own label brand
(3) a no frils brand
(4) a generic brand
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.33. A god definiton of ____ would be that it consists of direct conections with carefuly targeted
individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer elationships-
(1) advertising
(2) direct marketing
(3) sales promotion
(4) public relations
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

Q.34. Describe B2C model of e-busines.
(1) Seling of products and services to corporates.
(2) Seling of products and services directly to consumers.
(3) Consumers name own prices, which busineses can acept or decline.
(4) Busineses seling to local state, and federal agencies.
(5) Consumers seling directly to other consumers.
Ans: 2

Q.35. Motivation means-
(1) Inspiring employes to perform beter
(2) Beter communication skils
(3) Sales coaching
(4) Market research
(5) None of these
Ans: 1

Q.36. In a Marketing proces in today's world-
(1) Only standard products are sold
(2) The seler neds to have product knowledge
(3) The seler should ensure customer satisfaction
(4) Only quantum of sales maters.
(5) Al of these
Ans: 3

Q.37. Sale forecasting involves-
(1) Sales planing
(2) sales pricing
(3) Distribution chanel
(4) Consumer Tastes
(5) Al of these
Ans: 5

Q.38. Which of the folowing factors do not afect he ‘Pricing Policy’ of a company ?
(1) Cost
(2) Demand
(3) Competion
(4) Distribution Chanel
(5) Standard of living
Ans: 5

Q.39. Dumping relates to the sale of-
(1) Products in foreign markets that canot be sold in the home market
(2) Products discontinued in the home market sold to a foreign market
(3) Production in foreign markets that canot pas safety standards in the home market
(4) None of these
(5) Al of these
Ans: 2

Q.40. Politcal campaigns are generaly examples of ———.
(1) Cause marketing
(2) Organization marketing
(3) Event marketing
(4) Person marketing
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.41. Regulation that arise to ensure that firm takes responsibilty for the social costs of their products or production proceses stem from which reason for government legislation of busines-
(1) To protect companies from each other.
(2) To protect companies from unfair busines practices.
(3) To protect he interests of the society.
(4) To busineses from unfair consumer demands.
(5) Al of these
Ans: 3

Q.42. The last stage in seling proces-
(1) aproach
(2) handling objections
(3) closing
(4) follow up
(5) Al of these
Ans: 4

Q.43. Joining with foreign companies to produce or market product and service is caled-
(1) Direct
(2) Indirect exporting (3) Licensing
(4) Joint-Venturing
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.44. Rural marketing is not required because-
(1) Rural people do not understand marketing
(2) It is not practical from the cost point of view
(3) It is sher wastage of time
(4) Al of these
(5) None of these
Ans: 5

Q.45. Out of the folowing --- is not an objective of pricing-
(1) Profit
(2) Stabilzing demand an sales of the product
(3) Improvement in product quality
(4) Expansion of busines.
(5) Al of these
Ans: 4

Q.46. Out he folowing ---- is not he thre level of the product-
(1) Core
(2) Symbolic
(3) Augmented
(4) fragmented
(5) None of these
Ans: 4

Q.47. Of the folowing pricing methods--- is not for new product-
(1) Market skimming
(2) Penetration
(3) Discriminatory pricing
(4) None of these
(5) Al of the above
Ans: 1

Q.48. Which among the folowing is statistical indicator for equality in income distribution-
(1) Gini Coeficient
(2) Price Indices
(3) GNP
(4) GDP
(5) None of these
Ans: 1

Q.49. A marketing technique where marketer plays a specific role in a particular segment is caled -
(1) Mas Marketing
(2) Niche marketing
(3) Strategic Marketing
(4) Communication Marketing
(5) None of these
Ans: 2

Q.50. Target market for debit card is -
(1) Al existing acount holder
(2) Al sales persons
(3) Al NRI’s
(4) Al HNI’s
(5) Al of these
Ans: 1

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